Senderos - Resources
One barrier in medical settings for the Latiné community is communicating with their providers. The goal of Senderos Hacia mi Salud (Pathways to my Health in English), is to strengthen that communication via Latiné communities owning their agency in medical settings. It is a Spanish toolkit community health workers can use to inform community members about their mental, physical and sexual health. In this tool are also questions that prompt and promote asking for basic needs and encourage community members to engage in informational conversations with their community health worker.
If you, or the organization you work with, are interested in receiving some of these booklets, please contact Ingrid Lopez via
For questions or if you'd like to make a testing appointment contact
Monica (503) 939-7622
Sunnyside Health & Wellness Center Clackamas
9775 SE Sunnyside Rd, Ste 200, Clackamas, OR 97015
Thursday: 4pm - 7pm
Prism Health [Morris] Multnomah
15 N Morris St, Portland, OR 97227
Wednesday: 10am - 2pm
Thursday: 2pm - 7pm
Prism Health Multnomah
2236 SE Belmont St, Portland, OR 97232
Monday: 10am - 2pm
Tuesday: 5pm - 8:30pm
Saturday: 2pm - 6pm
Neighborhood Health Center Washington
266 W Main St, Hillsboro, OR 97123
Thursday: 9:30am - 5pm
Find Resources in Your AreaStreet Roots Site to find resources in Washington, Multnomah and Clackamas counties Ask your community health worker with help on how to navigate this site 211 A phone number for finding resources in you are For Spanish, press 2 County Resources Clackamas County Clackamas County – Medical Services 503.655.8471 For Spanish, press 5 Clatsop County HIV Counseling and Testing Marion County For general inquiries about resources in Marion County it is best to call 211 Marion County – Health and Human Services 503.981.5851 Spanish available upon request Malheur County Malheur County Health 541-889-7279 (Ontario) Morrow County Morrow County Health 541-676-5421 (Heppner) 541-481-4200 (Boardman) 541-422-7128 (Ione) Multnomah County Multnomah County – Medical Services 503.823.4000 Spanish available upon request Polk County Polk County – Medical Services 503.623.8175 Press 8 for Spanish Tillamook County Tillamook County – Medical Services 503.842.3900 Press 8 for Spanish Washington County Washington County – Medical Services 503.846.4402 Spanish available upon request Umatilla County Umatilla County Public Health 541-567-3113 (Hermiston) 541-278-5432 (Pendleton) Yamhill County Yamhill County – Adult Mental Health Services 503.434.7525 Press 1 for Spanish Yamhill Health and Human Services Public Health Clinic 503.434.7523 Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Clinic Mcminnville Clinic 503.472.1338 Wasco County North Central Public Health District The Dalles, Oregon 541.506.2600 Eastern Oregon Center for Independent Living (EOCIL) The Dalles Office 541.370.2810 One Community Health Center Dalles Health Center The Dalles, Oregon 541.296.4610
Information and Data on HIV & Sexually Transmitted InfectionsEND HIV OREGON: Oregon Health Authority: HIV Prevention in Oregon: HIV Prevention: State of Oregon: Datos de Oregon- División de Salud Pública de Oregón - Sección de VIH, ETS y TB: Datos sobre VIH y SIDA | Síntomas, prevención y tratamiento: ¿Cómo se transmite el VIH y cómo se previene? – Fundación Huésped: HIV Basics ¿Qué son las ITS y cuáles son las más frecuentes?
Educational Materials/CurriculumEducación Sexual en Linea (VIDEOS): VIDEOS EDUCATIVOS - Planned Parenthood: Educación Sexual para Familias Está bueno conversar. Montevideo, Uruguay 2014: https: // iles/images/Archivos/publicaciones/programa-educacion-sexual/esta%20 bueno%20conversar.pdf Es parte de la vida : material de apoyo sobre educación sexual y discapacidad para compartir en familia. ANEP - UNICEF Uruguay. Naciones Unidas, 2011: Promoción de la salud sexual y prevención del VIH-sida y de las ITS en los pueblos indígenas - OPS/OMS | Organización Panamericana de la Salud 2003: National STD Curriculum:
PreventionHIV Testing & Sexual Health Resources Take Me Home – HIV/ STI testing kits delivered to your home Get Tested – find HIV/ STI testing options near you Cascade AIDS Project For information regarding HIV services in Washington, Multnomah, Clackamas and Clark counties Due to COVID-19, it is recommending that call and confirm which services are operating Testing Opportunities Calendar EOCIL – HIV Prevention, Housing, Treatment, and Care Services You may also call 541-276-1037 EOCIL serves individuals in 13 central and eastern Oregon counties: Baker, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Hood River, Malheur, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco, and Wheeler HIV Alliance Visit their website to sign up for services in Eugene, Roseburg or Salem You may also call 541-342-5088 HIV Day Center – Drop in Services for People Living With HIV Visit their website for hours of operation You may also call (503) 460-3822 Oregon Health Authority For information regarding HIV services Planned Parenthood To schedule an appointment you can visit the website and find a location near you using your zip code, city or state You need to find the closest location near you and then schedule an appointment Sexual Education To-Go in Spanish HIV/STI Testing Pruebas de detección de VIH y Infecciónes de Transmisión Sexual: Pruebas caseras: PrEP/ PEP for HIV Prevention PrEP-carta-bilingüe-bilingual-info-card-1Download PrEP-Información-Basico-en-EspañolDownload PrEP-El-Control-Esta-en-tus-Manos Hablemos de PrEP: Prevenir el VIH con PrEP: Oregon AETC - PrEP Provider List: Que es PEP?:,PEP%20if%20you%20are%20uninsured Doxy PEP for STI Prevention: Condones gratis: Resources for People Living with HIV (PLWH): Grupos de Apoyo Cascade AIDS Project- Reencuentro: Quest Center- Espacios de apoyo: OHSU Partnership Project: Eastern Oregon Center for Independent Living - HIV Community Services:
Mental/Emotional Health & Recovery ResourcesSpanish Language Mental Health Services for Latinos Raíces de Bienestar – Call 971-417-6054 for clinical services Barcelona Counseling – Call 503-376-9520 for clinical services Puentes-Central City Concern – Call 503-546-9975 for clinical services NW Instituto Latino Centro de Apoyo – Call 503-719-7609 for information Juntos – Call 503-449-9126 for information and referral services Call: 988 Free, Confidential Support (24/7) by Phone, Text, or Chat If you’re struggling, don’t wait to get help. For Spanish, press 2 Senior Loneliness Line Call: 503.200.1633 Military Helpline Call: 888.457.4838 (open 24/7 year round) Recovery Center Hotline Received a citation for drug possession? Call 503.575.3769 or 541.575.3769 (open 24/7) to schedule a free, confidential screening. Alcohol and Drug Helpline Call 800.923.4357 (open 24/7 year round) Racial Equity Support Line 503.575.3764 The Racial Equity Support Line is a service led and staffed by people with lived experience of racism. We offer support to those who are feeling the emotional impacts of racist violence and micro-aggressions, as well as the emotional impacts of immigration struggles and other cross-cultural issues. Behavioral Health Support Line 1-800-923-HELP(4357) The Behavioral Health Support Line is a service that provides immediate no-cost behavioral health screening, counseling services, and referrals to available mental health and substance use recovery providers nearby for ongoing care, using a statewide directory tool. Can receive 4 free sessions YouthLine Call: 877.968.8491 or Text teen2teen to 839863 Teens are available to help daily from 4-10pm PST (adults are available by phone at all other times!) Crisis Line Call: 503.291.9111 Hawthorn Walk in Center Hawthorn Centro de Salud Mental y Adicciones Save Lives Oregon Supporting people who use drugs to prevent overdose and adopt safer use practices is a proven step toward hope, healing and health.”
National Awareness Days for HIV/AIDSAwareness Days Information on national awareness days for HIV/AIDS can be found here. Some examples include National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, etc.
Transgender Resources & InfoGlossary (Spanish) from national LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center Language is powerful and influences many of our interactions so becoming familiar with terminology used within the LGBTQIA+ community can help create more welcoming and inclusive spaces. STIRY – Supporting Transgender Immigrant & Refugee Youth Portland, OR Trans Latin@ Coalition The TransLatin@ Coalition (TLC) was founded in 2009 by a group of Transgender and Gender nonconforming and Intersex (TGI) immigrant women in Los Angeles, California, as a grassroots response to address the specific needs of TGI Latin@ immigrants who live in the United States.