***Familias adopted the term Latine to describe our communities in an inclusive manner. We recognize that there is no single term that will encompass everyone.***


In April 2020, Familias en Acción (Familias) created its HIV/ STI Sexual Health Program. The program is part of Oregon Health Authority’s END HIV Oregon strategy. In Oregon, HIV cases have increased in urban, rural and frontier areas across the state (see the “Why HIV prevention” section below to see the stats).

The increase in new infections in our communities can be attributed, in part, to the complexity of this issue. Acknowledging this complexity points our efforts to a range of interconnected tactics, each equally critical to eliminating HIV in Oregon’s Latiné populations. For example, we must consider: the influence of socio economic factors; stalled prevention efforts and the need to increase accessibility to prevention, screening, and treatment; how behavior influences risk; stigma and its implications; and how community leadership can be developed.

We know we can’t end HIV alone. Community participation is essential in formulating a more effective strategy to combat HIV in Oregon and long-term community engagement is critical to sustaining the involvement of communities in the design and delivery of the strategy.

Why HIV prevention?

Although testing is low, new HIV diagnoses are high among Latine people in Oregon, particularly males. Here are some current statistics:

  • Although 12.7% of Oregon’s population is Latine, 24.6% of HIV cases diagnosed between 2018-2022 were Latiné – in other words, 1 in 4 people diagnosed with HIV in recent years were Latine.
  • Rates of new HIV diagnosis among Latine people increased by more than 50% in 2022 compared to the previous 3 years.
  • Increases of HIV diagnosis among Latine people increased in urban, rural, and frontier areas of Oregon – with the largest increases in rural and frontier areas.
  • Rates of new HIV diagnosis are more than 10 times higher among Latine males than Latine females.

We can change these trends- prevention works!

PrEP, taken as a daily pill or periodic injection, is 99% effective in preventing HIV transmission. People living with HIV, who take HIV medication and reach undetectable viral loads have zero chance of transmitting HIV to their sex partners (this is called U=U or Undetectable = Untransmittable). The Oregon Health Plan and most health insurance plans cover these medicines to prevent and treat HIV; the Healthier Oregon Program provides coverage to many people living in Oregon who do not have documentation. Programs like CAREAssist and HIV case management help people in all Oregon communities start and stay on medications, so they can live longer, healthier lives.

Community-based messages and programs, delivered by people and agencies trusted by Latine community members, are urgently needed. We can end new HIV transmissions in Oregon! 

Me Cuido, Te Cuido Learning Network

What do we hope to achieve?

  1. A greater awareness of unique issues and needs among Latiné communities to address HIV prevention, screening, and treatment in regions across Oregon. 
  2. Deeper connections and relationships amongst each other to support potential, future collaboration.

Language access: This session will be facilitated in English with Spanish interpretation available. Breakout sessions will be facilitated in both English and Spanish- all are welcome!

Familias en Acción is committed to continue to provide opportunities for shared learning around HIV prevention. We invite individuals and organizations in Oregon to participate and share ideas for doing this work collectively. Stay tuned to learn of upcoming learning events and opportunities to stay engaged: Sign up for our monthly newsletter

Do you have questions or want to see how you can participate? Contact Ayla Rosen (ayla@familiasenaccion.org)

Upcoming Events

There are currently no events scheduled. Please check back soon and subscribe to our program’s newsletter for updates!

Resources We Love

To support our learning journey, we are focused on eliminating gaps in service utilization by connecting people to resources for prevention, care, and treatment. Listed here are links to a curated excellent resources: